Community Over Competition with Katie Martin

One thing is abundantly clear when making connections in the medical aesthetics industry: building community is a pillar of a successful business. In this episode, Katie Martin is here to have a conversation about community over competition. Katie is a physician’s assistant from California, as well as VP of Clinical Operations and Advanced Injector at Holden Timeless Beauty.

Collaborating can take place inside or outside the clinic itself. Within clinic settings, it’s smart to play off other colleagues’ or practitioners’ strengths. That way, you can fill in each other’s gaps and focus on what you’re good at, thereby capitalizing on your own unique abilities. One person may be a visionary, while another may be more detail oriented. A thriving business needs both.

Refer to practitioners outside the clinic if you believe they can provide the best service your client is seeking. This will make for happy clients, and those clients will return to you for your services. Be an expert in your niche with the knowledge that holistic treatment is vitally important. It’s always about removing the ego and focusing on getting your client the best outcome possible.

Behaving competitively toward other injectors will impact how your clients view your business and will attract negative energy. Avoid speaking poorly about products they have used or other injectors. Instead, discuss how to move forward. It’s likely you will receive back the energy you put out.

Everyone deserves a seat at the table, and that’s why it’s important to support community over competition. Transform your life and the life of your patients. Focus on working together with your colleagues to create self-esteem from the inside out by providing the best client outcomes possible.


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